An art project in public space by Ruth Anderwald + Leonhard Grond & Anna Kim on aspern, Die Seestadt Wiens, as an example of urban utopia.
Monthly billboards at the Viennese subway stations.
︎ Art in Public Space, Vienna
© Anderwald + Grond & Kim
Together with the writer and essayist Anna Kim, we realised a one year and a half-long project (from May 2013 – October 2014) that follows the construction progress of a new district in Vienna, Seestadt Aspern, and reflects on this district as an example of utopian ideals in urban design. The project The Frame of the FutureTM consists of a series of posters in Vienna subway stations, with a new poster appearing each month. The largest European urban design project to date, upon its completion in 2028, Seestadt Aspern will be home to more than 20.000 people, and its infrastructure shall employ another 20.000. It has been designed to conform to the latest ecological and technical standards.